Alloy Steel Scrap
alloy steel scrap
Alloy steels are any types of steel having presence of one or more alloying elements such as Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium, Silicon, etc. These steels have specific applications and are used extensively in various industries.
Shabro expertise’s in catering the scrap requirements of this industry and our product portfolio includes various grades and types of Alloy steels, such as Low-Alloy Steel, HSLA steels, Micro-Alloy Steels, HSS, Tool Steels, etc. We have a well established in-house dedicated team whose focus is to locate suitable buyers of various grades of alloy steel scrap and in turn, we also hunt for the requisite materials / grades of scrap required by our established customers. Some of the grades, which we are regularly doing are as below :

H13 / H11 solids/turnings

Mn Steel Scrap

Tricones & Drillbits

Ni Slabs / Blocks